Another Weighted Automata library
In Awali, automata and rational expressions are described (or linearised) with json files.
Their syntax is described here by means of a (CF) grammar. Non-terminals are written between double square brakets, e.g. [[kind]]
. Lists of objects in a json array are described by the term list
. E.g. [ [[state]] list ]
stands for [ ([[state]],)*[[state]] ] | []
, that is, a list may be empty.
A json file in Awali is an object with 4 fields, two of which are optional.
[[Awali json file]] ::= { [[kind]], [[metadata]], [[context]], [[data]] }
, mandatory , is an object with two possible values only:[[kind]] ::= {"kind":"Automaton"} | {"kind":"Rational Expression"}
, optional , is an object with six fields, all optional:[[context]]
, mandatory , describes the type of the awali object, automaton or expression, with the same syntax in both cases.[[data]]
, optional , describes the content of the automaton or expression. Does not appear for empty automaton or expression.[[data]] ::= [[automaton content]] | [[ratexp content]]
The metadata fields contains descriptive informations on the object, automaton or expression. All fields are optional.
[[metadata]] ::= { [[name]], [[caption]], [[description]],
[[timestamp]], [[author]], [[history]] }
[[name]] ::= "name":"<string>"
is the name of the automaton or expression. It is recommended that this name coincides with the name of the json file.[[caption]] ::= "caption":"<string>"
is a one line description of the automaton (or expression).[[description]] ::= "description":[("<string>",)*"<string>"]
[[timestamp]] ::= "timestamp":{"day":"<string>", "UTCtime":"<string>"}
[[author]] ::= "author":"<string>"
[[context]] is an object that contains two mandatory fields:
[[context]] ::= "context":{ [[labels]], [[weights]] }
describes the type of the labels of the transitions of the automaton or of the atoms of expression.[[weights]]
tells in which semiring the weights of the automaton or of the expression are taken.[[labels]] is an object that contains various fields whose appearance or values may depend on each other:
[[labels]] ::= "labels": { [[labelKind]], [[letterType]], [[alphabet]],
[[tapeLabels]], [[allowEpsilon]] }
field takes one of 4 possible values : [[labelKind]] ::= "labelKind":[[LBK-str]]
[[LBK-str]] ::= "Letters" | "Words" | "No Label" | "Multi-tape"
if the labels are letters "Words"
if the labels are words "No Label"
if every transition is labelled by the empty word "Multi-tape"
for transducersThe letterType
field exists if the value of labelKind
is either "Letters"
or "Words"
; the value of this field is either "Char"
or "Integer"
[[letterType]] ::= "letterType": "Char" | "letterType": "Integer"
The alphabet
field exists if the value of "labelKind"
is either "Letters"
or "Words"
. Its value is an array of elements which must be of the type given in letterType
. Example:
"labels": {"labelKind":"Letters", "letterType":"Char",
The tapeLabels
field exists if the value of labelKind
is Multi-tape
, that is, if the automaton is a transducer. Its value is an array of labels
, each one describing the labels on one tape.
[[tapeLabels]] ::= [ [[labels]] list ]
NB1 As indicated by the grammar, a transducer may have 0 or 1 tape only. A 0-tape transducer is rather a weird object. A 1-tape transducer is isomorphic to, but of different (C++) type than, a plain automaton.
NB2 With the cora
interface, only 2-tape transducers can be dealt with.
The allowEpsilon
field exists if the value of labelKind
is either Letters
or Multi-tape
[[allowEpsilon]] ::= "allowEpsilon":false | "allowEpsilon":true
The default value is false
; it can be set to true
to indicate that the automaton may have transitions labelled with the empty word.
In the data part of the Awali object, the representation of the label of a transition depends on the nature of labels. See below 3.2.
The weight set of an automaton or an expression is either a basic semiring, or a series semiring, or a direct product of weight sets. Hence the production:
[[weights]] ::= "weights":{ ([[basicSR]]|[[paramSR]]|[[expSR]]|[[tupleSR]]) }
The four non-terminals develop in the following way.
[[basicSR]] ::= "semiring": ("B"|"N"|"N-oo"|"Z"|"Q"|"R"|"C"|"F2"
The description of these semirings is to be found in the documentation on weight sets.
[[paramSR]] ::= "semiring": ("Cyclic"|"Bounded"), "characteristic": <int>
"weights": { "semiring":"Cyclic", "characteristic":<int> }
refers to the semiring Z/<int>Z
and <int>
must be equal to, or greater than, 2."weights": { "semiring":"Bounded", "characteristic":<int> }
refers to the qotient of N
by the congruence generated by <int> = <int>+1
. The integer <int>
must be (strictly) positive.[[expSR]] ::= "expressionSR": { [[context]] }
Series are represented by rational expressions whose type is given by [[context]]
. These expressions are considered modulo natural identities (see documentation on rational expressions), and hence form a semiring.
[[tupleSR]] ::= { "tupleSR": [ ([[weights]],)* [[weights]] ] }
In this case, the weight semiring is the direct product of the semirings given in the list (which must be of length at least 1), that is, the operation are realised component wise.
In the data part of the Awali object, the representation of a weight depends on the nature of weights.
An automaton content
is an object that contains two mandatory fields:
[[automaton content]] ::= "data" : { [[states]], [[transitions]]}
is a object whose value is the list of states of the automaton. [[state]]
gives information on every state.
[[states]] ::= {"states": [ [[state]] list ] }
[[state]] ::= { "id":<int>, "name":<string> (opt.), "history":<string> (opt.),
"initial":<weight> (opt.), "final":<weight> (opt.) }
: <int>
is the identifier of the state. "name":<string>
: <string>
labels the state."history":<string>
: <string>
gives a description on the way the state has been built (from product, determinization, ...)."initial":<weight>
: <weight>
is the initial weight of the state. <weight>
depends on the weightset described in the context
. See Sec. 3.4."final":<weight>
: <weight>
is the final weight of the state. Idem initial.[[transitions]]
is a object whose value is the list of transitions of the automaton. [[transition]]
gives information on every transition.
[[transitions]] ::= {"transitions": [ [[transition]] list ] }
[[transition]] ::= { "id":<int> (opt.), "source":<int>, "destination":<int>,
"label":<label>, "weight":<weight> (opt.) }
: <int>
is the identifier of the transition. It must be unique w.r.t. the other transitions. *(optional field)*"source":<int>
: <int>
is the identifier of the source state of the transition."destination":<int>
: <int>
is the identifier of the destination state of the transition."label":<label>
: <label>
is the label of the transition. The syntax for writing <label>
depends on the labelset described in the context
. See Sec. 3.3.
This field is mandatory except if labelKind
is set to "No Labels"
For epsilon transitions, <label>
is set to null
: <weight>
is the weight of the transition.
The syntax for writing <weight>
depends on the weightset described in the context
. See Sec. 3.4.
This field is optional except if labelKind
is set to "No Labels"
, in which case it is forbidden; if it is not present, <weight>
is set to the identity of the weightset.
NB The value zero of the weightset is forbidden for <weight>
: it is equivalent to no transition and the transition should thus not appear in the list. Accordingly, the writing of the weights in the 2-element semirings B or F2=Z/<2>Z is not relevant since the default value is the only possible one.
The writing of <label>
depends on labelKind
and letterType
If labelKind
is Letters
or Words
, the representation is given by the following table:
letterType | Char | Integer | |
labelKind | |||
Letters | string | string or integer | |
Words | string | array of Letters |
If labelKind
is Multi-tape
, the representation is an array of labels.
In any case, <label>
must be written with the letters defined in alphabet
A value in json may be a string, a Boolean, an integer, a float, or an array of the former.
string | integer | float | bool | array of | |
B | "0" or "1" | 0 or 1 | Yes | ||
N | integer rep. | Yes | |||
N-oo | integer rep. | Yes | |||
Z | integer rep. | Yes | |||
R | int or float rep. | Yes | Yes | ||
Q | integer rep. | Yes | 2 integers or strings | ||
C | int or float rep. | Yes | Yes | 2 floats or strings | |
F2 | "0" or "1" | 0 or 1 | Yes | ||
Z-min-plus | int rep. or "oo" | Yes | |||
Z-max-plus | int rep. or "-oo" | Yes | |||
Fuzzy | int rep. | Yes | |||
R-max-prod | int or float rep. | Yes | Yes | ||
Cyclic | integer rep. | Yes | |||
Bounded | integer rep. | Yes |
If the weightset is a set of series or expressions, <weight>
is written as an expression, see Sec. 4 below. If the weightset is a tuple of weightsets, <weight>
is an array whose elements must be congruent with the description given in the context
A ratexp content
is an object whose value is a rational expression. The grammar is almost self-explanatory.
[[ratexp content]] ::= "data":{ [[ratexp]] }
[[ratexp]] ::= { [[ratexpNode]], [[lweight]] (opt.), [[rweight]] (opt.) }
[[ratexpNode]] ::= [[zero]]|[[one]]|[[label]]|[[sum]]|[[prod]]|[[star]]
[[lweight]] ::= "lweight":<weight>
[[rweight]] ::= "rweight":<weight>
The value <weight>
of the field lweight
(resp. rweight
) is the coefficient that multiplies on the left (resp. on the right) the expression represented by [[ratexpNode]]
and allows to build weighted expressions. The rest of the grammar is classical rational (regular) expressions.
[[zero]] ::= "zero":null
[[one]] ::= "one":null
[[label]] ::= "label":<label>
[[sum]] ::= "sum":[ [[ratexp]] list ]
list of lenght at least 2
[[prod]] ::= "prod":[ [[ratexp]] list ]
list of lenght at least 2
[[star]] ::= "star":{ [[ratexp]] }
is the representation of the expression 0. It never occurs but for the case of that expression (see doc on rational expressions)."one":null
is the representation of the expression 1 (hence denoting the empty word)."label":<label>
: <label>
denotes an atom of the expression. Its writing must follow the syntax described in the context
: the definition in the grammar makes sum
an n-ary operator, with n>=2
: the definition in the grammar makes prod
an n-ary operator, with n>=2